(Right click a link and choose “Save As…” to download to your computer) Windows Media (.WMV) MPEG-4 Video (.M4V) MP3 Audio (.MP3) Features reviews of The Power And The Honor Foundation Catalog Volume One: The Art of Masters of the Universe Toy Design, Night of the Living Dead Trade Paperbacks from Avatar Press, You Couldn’t… Continue reading Episode 84 – The Bitter Taste of Rossa
Tag: video games
Geek Shock #119 – Tron Pron
We lost Torgo to Skyrim that’s not a reason why we can’t carry on. Besides, we don’t think he’s showered so… perhaps it’s for the best. But carry on we shall as we talk about Tron Porn, Stan Lee, PETA vs. Nintendo, Another Dark that has been turned off, Doctor Whaaaaaaa(?), Bacon Maple Ale, Deadly… Continue reading Geek Shock #119 – Tron Pron
Geek Shock #118 – Two Stroke Pump
This is the week we lose Torgo to Skyrim so we’d better get the geek news while the gettin’s good like the shell game, ArKay, the Italian Gelpen, mondo Whopper, flying the boobie skies, Oz 2.0, crap movies, the amazing Serkis, more Horror Story, NYC tunnels, up your DC, Modern Warfare 3, Lego my Lego… Continue reading Geek Shock #118 – Two Stroke Pump
Geek Shock #117 – Analstiltskin
When the small man tells you that he can weave all that straw into gold, READ THE FINE PRINT. On today’s Geek Shock, the Famous Paul weaves a children’s tale full of wonder while Barry looks on shaking his head in hatred. 80’s Jeff violently defends Chuck. Kommander K gives up Pac-Man for camels.… Continue reading Geek Shock #117 – Analstiltskin
Geek Shock #116 – Dicknip & Synthapuss
Writer & comedian Matt Donnelly joins us in our weekly geek discussions and if you haven’t seen Matt and Paul in the same room, then you need to get out to the Onyx Theater on Monday nights. They’re livin’ in a powder keg and givin’ off sparks. Apologies to Jim Steinman. And to you faithful… Continue reading Geek Shock #116 – Dicknip & Synthapuss
Geek Shock #113 – Cheney vs. the Downs
Now normally we don’t cow tow to politics on the geekfest known as Geek Shock, but when Dick Cheney (voiced by the famous Paul) descends on the show like a 22 year old vampire with the Downs, then you know it’s gotta be good. That’s not all! You also get Ghostbusters UK, Top Gun 3D,… Continue reading Geek Shock #113 – Cheney vs. the Downs
Geek Shock #112 – Yeti
Here is Yeti another Geek Shock for your geek listening enjoyment. MT, 80’s J, TFP, KK & JM at at it Yeti again giving you all the big(foot) news you can handle like YETI, the fried cheese melt, the secret stash, YETI, the Walking Dead, beating the Bear, Fudge, YETI, crocomonster, Game Stop goes Apple,… Continue reading Geek Shock #112 – Yeti
Geek Shock #111 – Paul Sars
Despite the labeling, this is turns out to be a News You Don’t Give a Sh*t About extravaganza. Sure. It seems fine at first, but as you strip away the layers, the ugly truth about this weeks geekdom comes out. I blame the cricket. Luckily, Barry has a pamphlet… Don’t forget to subscribe to our… Continue reading Geek Shock #111 – Paul Sars
Episode 82: Treasures from Comic-Con
(Right click a link and choose “Save As…” to download to your computer) Windows Media (.WMV) MPEG-4 Video (.M4V) MP3 Audio (.MP3) Features reviews of Questionable Content, Irredeemable, Comic-Con exclusive Mumm-Ra, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Hill & Wang’s Graphic Novels, Fifty Cent: Blood on the Sand and more!
Geek Shock 110 – A Shampoo That Will Never Rinse
What I’m saying is…. your mother should never listen to this episode. No kidding. Or your boss. Significant other. For the not easily offended, have at it as we (horribly) tell you all the geekiest news out there in what seems to be the foulest way ever. We talk about Conan, Onan, Oraface, art, the… Continue reading Geek Shock 110 – A Shampoo That Will Never Rinse