Geek Shock #152 – The Bravest Of All The Fruits

  Prepare your Navel Oranges for this week’s Geek Shock because the news out of Comic Con comes hard and fast (like Vlarg’s mom). Captain Luddite joins us as we talk about our latest prize giveaway, Epic Scents, Dark Knight: Lights Up, Shag A Gamer, World War Zzzzz, Donald Duck Orange Juice, navels and Mandarins, Ant… Continue reading Geek Shock #152 – The Bravest Of All The Fruits

Geek Shock 101 – I Love Lucy-pede

So tell us, Paul. How do you feel about Margaritaville? Is it a place of magic and wonder? Is it anything like E3? Because that is what everyone is talking about including us. We are also talking about CombatCon, Frenchbook, Indiana Hawk, How much is your kidney worth(?), WiiU, XboxU, PS3U, TrekU, OriginU, Catwoman, Zelda… Continue reading Geek Shock 101 – I Love Lucy-pede