The final Rewind before we return next week with an all new CouchC…uh, Geek Shock. This Rewind combines the previously unavailable episodes 3 and 4. This is where the format starts to come together and Paul starts to let loose the hounds of taco. Agent Skillz joins us and Barry gushes about Jem. It’s a… Continue reading Geek Shock Rewind #3 – Don’t Taze Me, Jem!
Tag: geek podcast
Geek Shock Rewind #2 – Star Trek: Our Experience
A promise made better. Here is the second of our Rewind Series where we make our (before now) unavailable first episodes dance before you, our loyal listener. Since we recieved many complaints that the first Rewind was too short (our early episodes were only thirty minutes long), I have combined episodes 2 and 3 into… Continue reading Geek Shock Rewind #2 – Star Trek: Our Experience
Geek Shock #161 – The Journey of Batty Mann
Though we talk about The Boredoms, this Geek Shock is anything but. Thrill to the land of bad Kiss Parody! Dance to the rhythm of asteroid mining/fish gutting! Pleasure yourself to sexy tales of parking! Somewhere in there we also find room to talk about real life time travel – REALLY, Zynga board games,… Continue reading Geek Shock #161 – The Journey of Batty Mann
Geek Shock #160 – Lois Lane Fish Pie
A grand welcome back to Kommander K and introducing Special Guest Star, Big Black (Aka the Carl fellow we’ve mentioned on past episodes). This week we talk about Killercon, Barbarella, The Goratorium, a Knight’s Longer Tale, Neo-Ghostbusters, World War Zzzzz, The ire of comic book writers, the Cleveland Airport Superman Exhibit, and so much more.… Continue reading Geek Shock #160 – Lois Lane Fish Pie
Geek Shock #159 – Jehovavitch
The boys that make the noise are back with an all new Geek Shock! This week we talk about Ben Folds & Fraggles, Talk Like a Pirate Day, Transformers 4, Wonder Women from Lesbos, Dorn’s got a brand new bag, MANIMAL(!), Final Fantasy XIII – WTF, President America, Movie Ninjas, Shannara, NASA’s space bubble, Trek… Continue reading Geek Shock #159 – Jehovavitch
Geek Shock Rewind #1 – Dark Men of Steel
A promise made good. Many of you have asked for earlier episodes of the show. Since Las Vegas weather is bordering on trecherous tonight, we have re-posted the previously unavailable, first episode of Geek Shock (back when it was still called the Couchcast). I hope you enjoy it and look forward to having you back… Continue reading Geek Shock Rewind #1 – Dark Men of Steel
Geek Shock #158 – Strap On Backpack
I tried… I tried to give you an informative geek news program. And it started so well with deep discussions of the Apple/Samsung fight and what it means to be a hero in today’s society. Then Paul’s prayer to the Lords of Chaos was answered let slip the hounds of hell. But we did get… Continue reading Geek Shock #158 – Strap On Backpack
Geek Shock #157 – Necropsy
What is going on in this week’s Geek Shock? *STAB* Ok…let’s see… There seems to be Expendables 2, Getaway, Emulators, Angry Bird Day, Universal Soldier, Finn and Sawyer, 86’ed magic items, Spiderkick, Dark Tower, Gunn’s Galaxy, Downey’s Boo Boo, Harry Harrison, Polar Bear Zebra Herpes, Valve’s Big Picture, The Un-secret Santa, Nintendo Powerless, DnD:… Continue reading Geek Shock #157 – Necropsy
Geek Shock #156 – Fartbox & Chili Weiner
Wait! Who’s that I see? It’s Barry and Deb back from the nether regions of Texas to join us as we talk about Star Trek Conventions, the Classic Gaming Expo, chalices, ALF, Double Hollow, Roboflop, Handball Dong, Konami hates you, Batle.hack, Hench, Bill and Ted and (?), Daredirector, Mad Max and the Word Burgers, OUYA,… Continue reading Geek Shock #156 – Fartbox & Chili Weiner
Geek Shock #155 – Granny Rags
Ach! What be floatin’ in the Loch!!? You dunna’ want te know! But you might want to know about Ghostbusters 3, The Bobby Bunch, Avengers 2, Pizza, Necromancer, Dini-less Bats, the fate of Daredevil, High Moon, Proof, Dark Tower, Thor 2, Prometheus 2, Dishonored casting, Think Geek’s Idea Factory and the fate of… Continue reading Geek Shock #155 – Granny Rags