All you need for a good time is a deviated septum and this episode of Geek Shock where we talk about Mane Wolves, Luke’s Change, Oz: the Meh, Rumple Pillskin, Jojovitch Witnesses, the Phaser, Ian and Patrick, Will’s Colossus, Batista of the Galaxy, Sagittarius A, Dinosaur hybrids not guaranteed, NASA is grounded, Marvel skate, EA’s… Continue reading Geek Shock #182 – Sagittarius A
Tag: geek podcast
Geek Shock #181 – The Fourth Merit Badge
Get ready to earn your badges on this week’s Geek Shock as we are joined by artists Brent and Spencer to talk about such topics as time travel, Alice II, Assassin’s News, Lucas Bomb, Oz the REALLY powerful, Ridley’s shorts, Flags of the League, Clone no more, He-Man no less, Poltergeist, Next Gen Thief, Lego… Continue reading Geek Shock #181 – The Fourth Merit Badge
Geek Shock #180 – Zumzagadur
Beware the wrath of Zumzagadur, you zumzagadur, for he may curse you with such geeky topics as G.L.O.W., geek prez cred, a Storm is brewin, playing in the children’s museum, PETA’s Pirates, Fifty Shades of Legal Quandry, The Princess is in, more Croft, Evil Dead 4, Jack the Box Office Slayer, He’s just a sweet… Continue reading Geek Shock #180 – Zumzagadur
Geek Shock #179 – Monkey Headed Flapjack
Tune up that banjo and get into the swing of this here Geek Shock where we discuss FoxBay:TMNT, Castle Nayskull, PS4, 1down, Jay & Anime Bob, The mis-information of Joe Average, The return of Ford, Rock Band no more, help me make my geek project, too many spider-cooks, AMC’s Terror, Days of Dinklage Past, Super… Continue reading Geek Shock #179 – Monkey Headed Flapjack
Geek Shock #178 – Star Trek: The Experience Blowout
This week we take a break from our regular format and reminisce about the only Star Trek theme park to ever exist, Star Trek: The Experience. Cast members Vernon Wilmer and Big Black join us as we talk about the best Trek your money could buy. Come for the stories and stay for the Warp… Continue reading Geek Shock #178 – Star Trek: The Experience Blowout
Geek Shock #177 – I Can’t Believe It’s Nut Butter
It’s time for a Geek Shock, so call Gordon Freeman… or Morgan Freeman… or the Gordon’s Fisherman cause they’re gonna wanna know all about Call of *snooze*, Hate for your TV, Do No Harm (too late), He-finds, the Solo Fett movie, Morgan Freeman’s Half-Life, Vegetables are bad (Mmmkay), The Walking (all over primetime) Dead, Whack-a-game,… Continue reading Geek Shock #177 – I Can’t Believe It’s Nut Butter
Geek Shock #176 – A Little Heat In Your Mouth
Come join the zeitgeist as we fill our corn beards with geeky issues such as The Wins A Lot Premiere, A Games Workshop adventure, the joys of BBQ and Rocket Fizz, goddamn Neuro Bliss, Doritos Taco Bell Doritos Taco, Amazon Coins, Playstation forthcoming, beware the Queen of the Universe, Aliens (?), Thunderbirds are Go, official… Continue reading Geek Shock #176 – A Little Heat In Your Mouth
Geek Shock #175 – Playing Worm With The 80’s Kids
This week we are joined in our geeky frivoloty by The 80’s Kids, Ryan Brunty and Aaron Rolston (from A-Tron Custom Framing), as we worm our way into topics like Pat The Bunny, Jabba’s Oriental Terrorist Hooka Den, Star Wars: Episode JJ, Star Wars: 1D, Who Rewrites the Watchmen(?), Alice in CSILand, Barbarella-Backadella, to hunt… Continue reading Geek Shock #175 – Playing Worm With The 80’s Kids
Geek Shock #174 – WHO Drives The Bus !?!
This is it! The longest Geek Shock ever recorded. So long that we ran out of hard drive space on the home studio! What could drive us into such nerdy heft? Subjects like interactive magazines, demon barbers, Portlandia, King of the Nerds, Godzilla’s Godzookie, Tailly, Godawfulsey, PocketWarwick, Who drives the Bat now(?), ZombieTVLand, Pokemon XXX,… Continue reading Geek Shock #174 – WHO Drives The Bus !?!
Geek Shock #173 – The “P” Is Silent
Welcome Mr. Bumblesnort and friends to another bizarro edition of Geek Shock! Today we talk about Alana’s Wish, Jurassic Park Fast(!), White House vs. Darth Vader, Disneylanders, ’38 Mazzara, confusingly sexy Alien, S.H.I.E.L.D., Important Studios, better Netflix, BeXar county library, cannons in the park, World of Saving Us, Amazon Autorip, Love Me Do for everyone,… Continue reading Geek Shock #173 – The “P” Is Silent