Geek Shock #239 – Joe Whom?

Joe Whom? This and many more terrible questions are answered as we talk about Torgo’s Blessed Die, Eli WE, Antichrist of a Lifetime, Nick gets Left Behind, PR is Horrible People, Stargate vs Paul, Jem, Getting Strange, Ant-Man Adrift, Star Wars Monster Casting, Choose your own Autobiography, and broken Atari games for sale. So man… Continue reading Geek Shock #239 – Joe Whom?

Geek Shock #173 – The “P” Is Silent

Welcome Mr. Bumblesnort and friends to another bizarro edition of Geek Shock! Today we talk about Alana’s Wish, Jurassic Park Fast(!), White House vs. Darth Vader, Disneylanders, ’38 Mazzara, confusingly sexy Alien, S.H.I.E.L.D., Important Studios, better Netflix, BeXar county library, cannons in the park, World of Saving Us, Amazon Autorip, Love Me Do for everyone,… Continue reading Geek Shock #173 – The “P” Is Silent