Geek Shock #223 – The Devil’s Koi Pond

For He-Man’s sake, don’t drink the mucus of this week’s Geek Shock as we talk about such awesomeness as Royal Tumble, The Werewolf Song of Forever, Beer Belly, Shell of a Ghost, Arthur King of the 6 Picture Deal, Star Wars: Rebels, New Triffids, King Kong Ping Pong Play, EVE Online gets EVEier, Saga, Robot… Continue reading Geek Shock #223 – The Devil’s Koi Pond

Star Wars the Musical (Circa Class of 96′)

Your appreciation of this piece hinges on two criteria: (1) Your absolute knowledge of Star Wars and (2) Your absolute knowledge of musicals that were popular in the mid nineties.  If you are well versed in these two criteria, the following is comedy gold.  Like the new off-Broadway production of the Spiderman parody, It is a zero-budget,… Continue reading Star Wars the Musical (Circa Class of 96′)