Geek Shock #306 – His Kryptonite is Arousal

This week introduces the newest superhero to hit Kentucky! We also talk about the effects of Halloween Burgers, The Martian, Improv Gauntlet, Norm’s Generosity, Carpenter plays for Bjork, Flash Decisions, Flatlinerers, Lethal Weapon 6, Macguyver again, Gran Turismo: The Movie, Need for Smeede, 10 tears of Transforming, Twilight but different, Ghostbusters animated, Damage Control, The… Continue reading Geek Shock #306 – His Kryptonite is Arousal

Geek Shock #282 – Principoopa

This is why we can’t have nice things. This week we talk about It Follows, Troma, TMNT2, Lynchless Peaks, Play-Doh: The Movie, Fuller House, The Muppet Return, Captain Cosmos, Stan Freburg, James Best, Principia, Avengers 2 stinger, Tron 3, Catwoman, Incorporated, Digital Saga, Montauk, Attack on Titan, Nerdist News, Trek Lantern Corps, Orphan Black, OnLive… Continue reading Geek Shock #282 – Principoopa