Geek Shock #282 – Principoopa

This is why we can’t have nice things. This week we talk about It Follows, Troma, TMNT2, Lynchless Peaks, Play-Doh: The Movie, Fuller House, The Muppet Return, Captain Cosmos, Stan Freburg, James Best, Principia, Avengers 2 stinger, Tron 3, Catwoman, Incorporated, Digital Saga, Montauk, Attack on Titan, Nerdist News, Trek Lantern Corps, Orphan Black, OnLive… Continue reading Geek Shock #282 – Principoopa

Geek Shock #225 – The Episode Where Jeff Gets to Talk

Life without caffeine can be a dismal thing. That is what we learn on this week’s Geek Shock. We also learn about the creeping doom that is Neelix, McGruff the Criminal, Akira (Now with more characters!), Free-to-play with your wallet, a new Vision, Preacher preaches, the first Rebel, the statistics on Redshirts, a nancy boys,… Continue reading Geek Shock #225 – The Episode Where Jeff Gets to Talk