Episode 62 – Bad Reboot?

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Special Guest Vernon Wilmer joins us on the couch for reviews of his Documentary series Star Trek: My Experience, Cryptic Studios’ Star Trek Online, IDW’s Star Trek: Nero series, Electronic Arts’ Mass Effect 2 and Spaced: The Complete Series on DVD.


  1. Thanks for having me on guys, the documentary should get a lot more hits now. It was fun, but now I know why it’s called the Ugly Couch Show – it’s the ugliest video I’ve ever seen of myself! Next time I’ll bring along my make up girl…

  2. Re Barry and Paul’s comments about “The Big Bang Theory”: You are both Godless Communists. Otherwise, a good (though not “Great” or “Excellent”) episode.

    So there.


  3. Hey guys!

    Another great show! Thanks for having Vernon on, it was great hearing from him about the future of his documentary series. I’ve watched all of them, and remain amazed at the footage he has gotten, as well as his dedication to put this all together for the Trek Community. Propworx should invite him the the warehouse here in town, as well as to their ST:TE auction. I think it would be a nice finish to show the items from the Experience in the hands of the true fans.
    (and then he can start documenting the new Experience-But judging from his rant I guess he will leave out anything to do though with the Violent Ass Raping simulator ride!)

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