Geek Shock #269 – I’m Mr. Game of Thrones

We’re Back! Rested and ready to tackle this week’s geeky news like Spider Amazing 3 Man, The historical inaccuracies of Exodus: Gods and Kings, after The After, Scarlett in the Shell, Fox’s Gambit, Hackfish, those we lost, no Playstation/Xbox for Christmas, Playstation Now, Congress vs FCC, Game sales, Game of IMAX, the growing awesome that… Continue reading Geek Shock #269 – I’m Mr. Game of Thrones

Geek Shock #248 – You Can’t Be Mad at a Blood Turd

Are you ready for your test of Paul Tolerance? Listen to this Week’s Geek Shock as we talk to a vampire about The Film Formula, Ghostbusters 3, Amazing Spider-man 3, No Tropico in Thailand, Dead Island films, Dirk Gently, Dragon Riders of Interruption, A Wrinkle in Frozen, Ghost Brigades, ScreamTV, Guardians of August, Galaxy Quest continues,… Continue reading Geek Shock #248 – You Can’t Be Mad at a Blood Turd