Geek Shock #327 – Fingersniff

Wonder Twin Powers Activate. Shape of this week’s show where we talk about Sandman Sleeps, Gods of Egypt, Venom for Venom, Failing upward, Tony and Gary Hutzel, SYFY’s Aftermath, Ian McFriday, The Terror, Scalped to TV, Rabid redone, Genocidal Organ, IDW’s Deviations, 12 Monkeys, Vegas Pizza, Gaming Mill, Hap & Leonard, Ghostbusters and the Secret… Continue reading Geek Shock #327 – Fingersniff

Geek Shock #226 – Gapo The Clown

Geek Shock. Now banned in China! Of course it could have nothing to do with characters like Gapo the Clown. It could also be about subjects like Crushing Candy Saga, First Star Wars Episode VII casting, Avatar (now with more Sandler), Christopher Malcolm, self-lacing sneakers, Clone wars: The missing episodes, King’s Revival, The Last Man… Continue reading Geek Shock #226 – Gapo The Clown