This week, video game developer and Star Trek: The Experience alumni, Todd Agnello (Other Todd) joins us as we talk about Cohen Brothers films, Black Widow, Quiet Place 2, Final Fantasy 7 Redux, Leverage: Redemption, Time Wasters, Shark Lords, The Tomorrow War, Dungeons and Dragons: Dark Alliance, I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing by A.D. Jameson, Cryptocurrency mining now causing LAST-gen console shortages, Assassin’s Creed goes Live Service, Biden reinstates net neutrality, Richard Donner, Robson Rocha, and Red Light/Green Light featuring: Roadmarks, sKILLs, The Department of Truth, and Let The Right One In. So grab that dorsal fin, it’s time for a Geek Shock!
Geek Shock #596 – Shark Coitus