Wake up Nanook of the Thrones, something is wrong with Paul! Is it possible that lustful tiger-men can give you horse herpes? You’re gonna find out. You’ll also find out about all that damn fantasy being medieval n’ stuff, the Candy Land wars, Carrie: Turn off the Blech, Bye Bye Arnie, video trading cards, Macho snaps into it, spam banks, ebook revolution, 3D is bad for 2D, comic-con want ads, Tag-you’re Thor, Cube-o-mancer, Cleanin’ up the town, Jordan- the final frontier, CDC and zombies, witchy consoles, golden duke, PSdown, L.A. Noir is Hot, bigNES, MCV, DA3, Olmos Def, Pyrates, and Suckest Punch. So clean off that pudding sweat, it’s time for a Geek Shock!
If you would like Paul to do an impression of your favorite character, send your request to comments@uglycouchshow.com
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Thanks for the shout out. I left you all a little something over in FB.
Barry, here’s how to get your Vandervoort fix in the immediate future. http://movies.netflix.com/WiMovie/Riverworld/70136187?trkid=2361637
“Asian Prisoner trapped playing WoW” should totally be a Machinima/Flash cartoon series.