CouchCast 47 is a scandalous wench of ill repute, covered in the foul discharge of a thousand murderers. We talk about the star trek the experience prop sale in las vegas, how chad boutte is a douchebag, pinball hall of fame broken into, planet of the apes movie, tim burton, nintendo, pokemon black and white, starcraft match fixing and illegal betting in korea, the green lantern movie costume, stupidfight for twitter, atm thefts, nicoderm stopsmokeski, how we live in a big wormhole, chris hu’s house burns down, star trek live at the kennedy space center, ted movie by seth mcfarlane, masters of the universe movie, unemployed skeletor, joss whedon directs the avengers movie, aliens in our midst, cowboys and aliens, open graves, open minds: vampires in modern culture, lord of the rings blu-ray trashed on amazon, and of course the big list: he-man’s most mind blowing feats of strength and insanity (courtesy of toplessrobot.com).
And making his podcasting debut, its Mumm-Ra the Ever-Living, scourge of third earth and sworn enemy of the Thundercats, in his new feature: “Dear Mumm-Ra”. Mumm-Ra will offer advice on any topic you’d like to write him about, including dating, marriage, careers, finance, household tips, lawn care, and more!
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