CouchCast 48! The nerds-in-residence discuss John Malkovich in Transformers 3, a Mighty Mouse movie, Nicolas Cage’s 9 foot tall pyramid tomb, the tragic death of Peter Steel, frontman for Type O Negative, an Avatar Tree of Souls in London, Brannon Braga joining Whimsical and magical have been Paul’s dreams of late, filled with gumdrops and sugar cookies and Don Cheadle, prancing in the spring meadow with butterflies and unicorns. CouchCast 49, on the other hand, is a vile, hateful concoction of malice aforethought. We talk Cheadle, Ghost Hunters, Supernatural, GhostFacers, Doctor Who, Matt Smith, Patrick Stewart, David Tennant, Super Street Fighter 4, Batman Live, Ring 3D, Friday the 13th, Leonard Nimoy, Goliath Tigerfish, Legend of the Seeker, Avatar DVD, Bad Santa, Alien Prequels, Torchwood, Marvel studioes third-tier characters, Spiderstyle, Olivia Munn, Ireland Video Game betting, schwarzenegger vs. californiz merchants et al, video game laws, saw series, doctor gordon, hulu, xbox channel, 7-11 buys used games, gundam cafe, slave leia washes cars, dear mumm-ra, and the big list: top failed cereals.
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I discovered something thanks to you guys!
I was grocery shopping last night with the family.
Went to the cereal isle.
Noticed the Cap’n Crunch peanut butter cereal. Thought of the soggies and your Cap’n.
Started to laugh.
Relentlessly questioned by family,”What’s so funny?”
Finally gave in a bit and told wife.
What did I learn?
Women have a really bad sense of humor, and the couch smells funny when you have to sleep on it.
So my couch is ugly and smelly.
Keep up the great work guys! :)
Thank you, Evan. Any off color joke we can make that can send one to “the couch”, means we are doing our job well.