Geek Shock #337 – Tetris v Teenage Jokeru

Geek Shock, Bigger, Longer, Uncut as we talk about Civil War (Spoilers start at 1:36:00), Red Light/Green Light, StokerCon, Star Wars extended Universe, Level Up Expo, Johnathan Coulton, Ghostbusters, Brain Dead, Deadpool, Limitless, Favorite MCU movies, Pacific Rim 2, Centipede: The Movie, Fruitville Panther, Supergirl Crosses Over, Transformers 5 gets a name, DC film shakeup,… Continue reading Geek Shock #337 – Tetris v Teenage Jokeru

Geek Shock 74 – Huzzahzel Tov

Deb and Kommander K ignore their soggy slice of pizza to join us in our wonderful discussions on all the geeky things that happened in this weeks news such as Jossless Buffy, interest-less Underworld, demonic USB, Gigantic MMO, life saving Tetris, modern 911 lol, scary senate bills, a full size Endeavor, mass cheating, lead poisoning… Continue reading Geek Shock 74 – Huzzahzel Tov