Geek Shock #163 – Go Full Guinea Pig

So did anything interesting happen today? I dunno.. things like DISNEY BUYING LUCASFILM, Arnold’s return as Conan, Vaughn quitting X-Men, Sasquach bounties, G4Nobody, flipping off your neighbors wi-fi style, Logan’s timeline, Disney Princesses, Gerbils, Freddy’s nemesis vs. the Federation, and Resident Evil 6 gets fixed (ala the vet). All this and more in a TWO… Continue reading Geek Shock #163 – Go Full Guinea Pig

Geek Shock #159 – Jehovavitch

The boys that make the noise are back with an all new Geek Shock! This week we talk about Ben Folds & Fraggles, Talk Like a Pirate Day, Transformers 4, Wonder Women from Lesbos, Dorn’s got a brand new bag, MANIMAL(!), Final Fantasy XIII – WTF, President America, Movie Ninjas, Shannara, NASA’s space bubble, Trek… Continue reading Geek Shock #159 – Jehovavitch

Geek Shock #142 – Smells Like Pants

This episode we speak of Jury Duty, Dark Shadows, The Raven, The Three Stooges, Angry Birds Land, Cruise Helsing, Romita’s Record, Fringe con vs con vs pro, Obi’s arrest, Lucasland, lotsa Hulk , Gaimen Disney, Poltergeist 201X, Comic-con Exclusive Toys, the Avengers, Dredd, Adam Sessler’s G4 departure and we continue our SYFY Big List. So… Continue reading Geek Shock #142 – Smells Like Pants