This week Torgo gets fascinated by a terrible movie from his past. We also talk about E3 news, Jessica Jones, Westworld, Drinks at the Millennium Fandom Bar, Leto’s Joker, Geoff Johns’ new production company, Eunice Gayson, Jerry Maren, Green Lantern Corps, Brian Keene gets horribly burned, New Loony Tunes shorts, J.J. Abrams gets subversive with The Heavy, Jurassic World Ride at Universal, Mark Millar is working on more Kingman movies, The Monroeville Mall finally memorializes John Romero, Red Light/Green Light including: V-Wars, Injection, Fast & Furious, The Outsider, East of West, Transhuman, and The Order. So get ready to eat that face, it’s time for a Geek Shock!
Geek Shock #443 – Fast & Furious Babies

I am a week behind on the podcast but I just now got to the Brian Keene novel give away if the 6 winners have not been decided yet that is.
I now have you in the running sir.