This week introduces the newest superhero to hit Kentucky! We also talk about the effects of Halloween Burgers, The Martian, Improv Gauntlet, Norm’s Generosity, Carpenter plays for Bjork, Flash Decisions, Flatlinerers, Lethal Weapon 6, Macguyver again, Gran Turismo: The Movie, Need for Smeede, 10 tears of Transforming, Twilight but different, Ghostbusters animated, Damage Control, The Kingkiller Chronicles, Class, Okja, Enfield Poltergeist, Bill Finger, and *ahem* Possum Cock. So get ready for furry, it’s time for a Geek Shock!
Geek Shock #306 – His Kryptonite is Arousal

Hey Couch Show. I had to write in for my 1st time after the mention of Big Trouble In Little China on the show as it is one of my all-time favorite movies. I wondered if you had seen that Lo Pan themed Gangnam Style parody that was made when that song was all the rage, it’s pretty great and features the man himself (James Hong) Also I was curious by your telling people to go on youtube in search of Quarks Bar and ST the E, I didn’t see any vids I could easily identify Paul or anyone else (seems surprising, because you’d think if Paul even got the whiff of a camera in the area he’d be in front of it immediately) but I did see a long video for the “Wall of Resistance” and lots of people putting up videos of the “Borg Sphere” drink. It would probably help if I knew what any of you looked like, I’ve only got a vague recollection of Torgo as I’ve only seen one ugly couch video. Sorry, I’ll try to rectify this. I probably should have done this prior to looking at ST:tE videos, but regardless… Love the podcast. Cheers!
Thanks For listening. You must remember, strange as it seems, there were not a ton of cameras around everywhere in the early 2000’s. I am always bummed that there are not more videos of the experience out there. Lots of them were protected by paramount so it was hard to get much on record.