Welcome to a non-Expendable Geek Shock! This week we talk about scorpion slaying, Expendable TV, Minecraft Turkeys, Burton Gummbo, Ghostbust-vengers, Robocop Rick Flag, Harve Bennett and Sam Simon, Loseley Lawless vs Evil Dead, TRON 3, Toy Story 4, Independence Day: Keep It In The Family, Star Wars: The Vampire Slayer, Valiant’s return, The 49th Key, 20 Star wars Books!, 29 hours of Marvel, HBO Now for some, and Rock Band 4 info. Plus more Ask Mumm-Ra. So submit those questions for the (not so) aged one, it’s time for a Geek Shock!
Geek Shock #278 – Disney XC: Dumbo Meets Gummo

I need a studio version of Star War’s Smugglers Blues!!! I will pay cash money to put that on my play list!