Captain Canada joins us. As Spielberg said, “Watch the skies!” But in Geek Shock Woods, that means something more horrible and disgusting as we talk about Knights of Snoredonia, Dinosaur Dracula, Shield’s Second Chance, More Four Issues, Space Invaders: The Movie, The Shining Prequel, More Marvel Movies, Dwayne “Shazam” Johnson, WesterWorld, Avengers of the Round Table: Colon, Slytherin Inquisitor, Teenage Mutant Ninja Ghostbusters, The Xbox that wasn’t, Dota 2 money, FCC numbers, and the mysterious Legos of Cornwall. Twin Fisted Existentialism: Geek Shock!
Geek Shock #246 – The Sharting Owl

Gilbert Gottfried actually talked to Larry Storch on his podcast recently; if you want to get some old-school Hollywood nerd on :
Hidalgo means “Gentleman.”
You’re wrong! Fox News told me it means horse!!