This episode we celebrate the parting of Captain Luddite by not changing the format at all! This week we talk about Reading Big Driver, Snowpiercer, The cautious tragedy of Fantastic Four, Orci’s Power Rangers, Kim Kardashians’s money printing game, Comic-Con tries something yawningly different, Orci-less Spiderman, Gremlins 3/Goonies 2, Shannara(kinda), Pacific Rim Animated, The Magicians, Gotham, 12 Monkeys, Net Neutrality, and the Truth behind Boba Fett. So put down your Piñata Phone and grab your ukulele, it’s time for a Geek Shock!
Geek Shock #245 – A Farewell To Captain Luddite

{serious skoli] RE: Toys. As much as it pains me to say, Paul is correct about the future of toys. The other shoe to drop in the industry within the next 5 years is the emergence of 3D Printing. Why will you pay 15 bucks for a 3 inch toy when you can go online and download a template for the toy (and mod it out to your hearts content)from the toy equivalent of Napster and make your own for free (well, at the cost of 3d printer ‘ink’, which will go down as it becomes more prevalent). We’re already seeing the emergence of this in the tabletop gaming market with folks making their own game pieces via 3d printing rather than paying the ridiculous fees charged by the Game manufacturers. [/serious skoli]
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For some reason the “Borgesmord” Mason Reese commercial isn’t out on YouTube, but here’s a clip of a commercial he did in the same era.
Wow, I vaguely remember that kid. The definition of ‘cute’ back in the 70s must have been pretty loose. He looks like a tiny Alfred Hitchcock wearing a bad Scarlett Johansen in ‘The Avengers’ wig.
I keep forgetting to post so here this is late — beautiful end to the episode boyz. The best close to a Geekshock ever. Fare thee well, Luddite.