Geek Shock #233 – Captain Tightpants

Beware what lurks in the urinal in this week’s Geek Shock as we talk about Geek Shock Animated, Captain Noah, The official Geek Shock Minecraft Server, Jem and the Rushed Film, Devil Blocks, the problem with Ghostbusters II, the Sinister Six, Goonies 2, Battlestar 4.0, The Last Zombie, 12 more Monkeys, the Wil Wheaton Project, Benderspink and Dreadstar, Game of Ratings, toddler Xbox hacking, and Noah’s Curse. So beware the yellow mist. Beware of Geek Shock.

If you are interested in being a part of the Geek Shock Minecraft server, leave a comment below.

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  1. YES! Minecraft for days, also Lets Plays would be sweet and add a little extra content to your site, maybe a weekly episode like the ugly couch show

  2. Todd, if you liked the portrayal of Genesis in the Noah movie, you should check out Terence Malick’s Tree of Life.

    If the version in Noah is like something seen in Cosmos, the version in Tree of Life is something that could be plugged into Kubrick’s 2001. It is just gorgeous and majestic.

  3. Thanks Todd, theres not much that i can get behind or want to be a part of, but this is something that i can get behind 100% and hopefully build a more active community around something that was already great to begin with. As far as mods go im all for them if they add more options for building, im more of a creator than a gamemode guy but if you want to go with a gamemode mod im down

  4. Thanks for the props, guys. I don’t play the Minecrafts (serious vertigo issues) but my daughter Shauna does, and she’s thrilled at the idea of an UCS server, so count her in.

  5. I would absolutely love to be a part of a server with you guys! My username is Zuper_ninja_man .

  6. Haven’t tried Attack of the B-Team, but it looks like it’s got a lot of the same mods. And if you guys need any tech support, I can probably help! (They lie just a little about the mods being stable.)
    Oh, and my username’s Felidae0.

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