Don’t say the name three times if you value your carpet or your sanity as we talk about Frankie’s Tiki Room, Titanfall vs. Earth Defense Force, the return of the cupcake ATM, Wu Tang art, Gamestop tries…something, Top Gun 2, Senator prefers sales of real guns to pixelated ones, Rowling “megamovies”, Lorenzo Semple Jr., Fantastic(?) Four, the joy of Chiklis, Pink Panther, the Star Wars bet, new head for Microsoft, and the Oculus Rift switch. Beware the Geek Shock, where you never know when you may be balling on a night hag.
Geek Shock #232 – Diary of Dave and Vomity Mary

can there be a geek shock/Ugly Couch Show minecraft server?
OH….My…GOD! It may just have to happen….