This episode contains a Famous Paul lesson in comedy. Enter at your own risk. Then stay for our geekly discussions on Fire Squirting Mantis, Level Up Expo, Swine Flu, 47 Ronin, WWE-Flix, ICP&ACLU, the Ant Men, Magic: The Filmering, Hellblazer, Gotham High Jinx, FOX Learns, Simmer City, Baseball sucks on Xbox, Comic-Con stuffs. So, find your shower inspiration. Find your Geek Shock!
Geek Shock #221 – The Werewolf Shower Song

that gotham high concept art is from a unmade
cartoon tv show. from about 4 years ago and just
never got made.
Thanks Ryan. I sure hope whatever that show becomes it is not another Smallville!
Damn you Paul. This Werewolf song is like a bad pop song. Once you hear it, you can’t get it out of your head!
To paraphrase from Patton Oswalt’s “I will kill George Lucas at Midnight” bit:
I don’t give a shit where the things I like came from, I JUST LIKE THE THINGS I LIKE.