Episode 78: Torgo’s Erdos-Bacon Number

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Features reviews of Insidious, Archon Classic, Brian Greene’s The Fabric of the Cosmos, The Mysterious Cities of Gold, Yoostar 2 for XBox 360 Kinect, the concept of the Erdos-Bacon number, Goya Coconut Soda, and Preserved Duck Eggs, which taste exactly as bad as they sound.


  1. There you go guys. It wasnt as bad as you thought eh? Ill write again when MaegicWife and MaegicSon watch tonight. Funny as hell though. Paul liked it, who’da figured! The other stuff isnt as bad as that either. Shalom all.

  2. Paul, “Italian” conquistadors? Italian? I weep for the current state of American education. And fear I may be adding to it.

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