Episode 43 (Right click a link and choose “Save As…” to download to your computer) Windows Media (.WMV) MPEG-4 Video (.MP4) MP3 Audio (.MP3) Features reviews of Image Comics’ The Walking Dead, Warren Ellis’ Bad World, the new Wonder Woman 2009 animated movie on DVD and Blu-Ray, Sam Rami’s Drag Me To Hell in theaters, THQ’s WWE Legends of WrestleMania and SCEA’s Infamous.
Hey, you guys are linked to from Richard Dawkins! How cool is that with, say, 0 being not cool at all and 10 being LINKED TO BY RICHARD DAWKINS!!!?
Hey, you guys are linked to from Richard Dawkins! How cool is that with, say, 0 being not cool at all and 10 being LINKED TO BY RICHARD DAWKINS!!!?
It’s obviously a 10. The singing, however, is NOT.
As a huge Dawkins fan, I think it’s super cool! As Nigel Tufnel would say,”I’d give it an ’11’.”
Noyce job instantly getting a bunch of Atheist fans. :p
I love Richard Dawkins. w00t! Imagine No Religion…ahhh such a wonderful dream.